Health Tips from Italy


«Fai della felicità una priorità e sii gentile con te stesso nel processo».

«Make happiness a priority and be gentle with yourself in the process.»



La famiglia is everything - A core pillar for security
La famiglia is a core pillar for overall security and holistic health. Famiglia is one of the most essential characteristics of Italian culture and traditions. Italians are extremely family-oriented, and it is common to live with extended family such as grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins. Not only do Italians live in a close proximity to their family, but they get together at least once a week, generally on Sundays, usually for a big dinner at someone’s house. The culture of family is founded upon blood and bonds. That is why it is said: “La famiglia is everything to Italians”.

A family provides psychological and emotional security. It fosters love, affection, and companionship. It also provides security and peace. Family has many tangible benefits. Spending more time with your family will increase your appreciation for the bonds and relationships between you and your loved one. It's the best way to make sure your kids feel secure and stay off the course for crime.

Many positive health habits – such as diet, physical activity, alcohol consumption, hand hygiene, and management of health conditions – are more likely to be maintained by individuals living with their family.



Slow & Social eating - For lower depression
Dinner is the main family moment, the moment to share with the rest of  the family, as well as sharing the gossips collected during the day at work or at school. Italian meals don’t happen by chance, and are carefully planned. A family meal requires a bottle of red wine on the table which will help everybody loosen their tongue and get into the details of their gossip report.

It is impossible to talk about culture in Italy without mentioning the Italian insistence on this slow meal. Meals are not solely for sustenance, as they often are in many Western countries. Italians often mock the fast food habits of shoving food into one’s mouth with barely any time to breathe, let alone speak. Rather, they prefer to sit, forget about whatever else is on their mind, and enjoy a good culinary experience in good company.

Eating together can provide longer health benefits and has been shown to reduce depression and improve self-esteem. Taking some time out of your busy day and spending time with your family can also be a stress buster for you and can be a great time to wind down for the evening



Mindful eating - For better digestion and reduced stress
Italians, like other Mediterranean cultures, know how to really enjoy the experience of eating. They relax and socialize while dining for hours, over lunch and/or dinner and coffee. Yet sitting at the table for long periods of time does not appear to lead to excessive eating or drinking. Before and after dinner, many Italians engage in the passagiata, a leisurely stroll through town. Generations walk together, talking and keeping alive a cherished tradition. Italians enjoy a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, poultry, olive oil, tomatoes, whole grains, dairy, red wine -- and they eat very little red meat.

It is important to Italians that during meals they should take the time to understand what is in front of them, taste the different flavors, and appreciate the meal. On the other hand, food is not the only part of the meal that is meant to be enjoyed—the company is, too. Longer mealtimes allow Italians to speak to one another, have meaningful conversations, and enjoy the experience together. The Italians love home cooked meals - prepared with people whom they love - that way the meal as a deeper meaning and is healthier all togehter.

Being mindful of the food you eat can promote better digestion, keep you full with less food, and influence wiser choices about what you eat in the future. It can also help you free yourself from unhealthy habits around food and eating.



Faith in something bigger - To strengthen the immune functions
Catholicism is very much part of the warp and weft of Italian life, as an inevitable social, cultural and political force that Italians take for granted. 90% perceive themselves as Catholics - perhaps not practicing actively - but having a deeper belief and faith in something bigger than themselves.

Research has repeatedly shown that people of faith report feeling better and healthier. One of the most striking findings in social epidemiology, Studies show that religious involvement with God is better for your body in terms of immune functions and reducing loneliness. In addition, there is bigger respect for other people and for the government.



Balancing quality and quantity - To lower the risks for obesityhe Italians balance the quality and quantity of ingredients - not too much fat, just enough carbohydrates, lots of fish, chicken, and turkey, and just a little red meat. Yes, they do eat a lot on Sundays, but fotr the rest of the week, it is all balanced and spread out. The Italians know the art of eating less and enjoying more.

A healthy diet can protect the human body against certain types of diseases, in particular noncommunicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer and skeletal conditions. Healthy diets can also contribute to an adequate body weight.



Fresh and lean diet - To improve BP
The Italian cooking is genuine. They start with fresh ingredients, often from their own gardens. They also eat less processed food. They eat lots of vegetables, keep it simple, and try to eat like their grandparents

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables might improve blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar. Eating fruits like apples, pears, and green leafy vegetables may even promote weight loss. Their low glycemic loads prevent blood sugar spikes that can increase hunger.



Many types of walks - For a stronger heart
In Italy, people meet up just for a walk. Walking extremely long distances over the course of a day isn’t uncommon, but rather a way of life. It is very clear that walking is central to the way of life in Italy. It’s woven into everyday activities, but is also frequently an intentional pastime with a special significance as something to relish and savor. There are however many different types of Italian walks, each with a unique and meaningful purpose, but classified in two groups: Dining walks and Casual walks.

Meal-Centric Walks: These walks are centered around the various meals, beverages and snacks we enjoy throughout the day, and will keep you moving and stepping from morning to night.

Casual Walks: These walks take place solely for the joy walking brings. An added plus is the beautiful landscape, time spent with friends, family, or da solo, as well as entertainment and exercise.

Of course, you probably know that any physical activity, including walking, is a boon to your overall health. But walking in particular comes with a host of benefits. Here's a list of six that may surprise you.

1. It counteracts the effects of weight-promoting genes.
2. It helps tame a sweet tooth.
3. It reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.
4. It eases joint pain.
5. It boosts immune function.
6. It is good for overall wellbeing



Lot’s of Passion - To boost happiness
Italians are often considered the most passionate Europeans. Italians convey their passions through their gestures and loud voices. Also, their proximity, or how close they stand to you, and when they touch your arm during conversation reveals their passion for the topic.

It is certainly true that generally Italian people are culturally very open and friendly, and much more likely to show physical affection in public. In world P.D.A rankings (Public Displays of Affection such as holding hands, embracing, kissing), Italy is among the top of the chart along with most of South America. 

This passion is not just reserved for love and affection. Consider the things Italy is famous for: food, cooking, fashion, design, art, politics, religion, family, opera, cars and football – everything in Italy is approached with gusto, joie de vivre, energy and, of course, passion!

Having passion and purpose can lead to fulfillment and happiness, which is subsequently good for our health. Many scientific studies have found a connection between happiness and good health.



Riposo - For a more enjoyable life
In Italy siesta is known as riposo. Shops are closed midday for three hours or so, that way Italians get to go home, rest, and be with family. Riposo to Italians means enjoying a home cooked meal and spending time with family. Nothing beats laughter and being in the company of the people you love.

Scientific evidence suggests that being happy may have major benefits for your health. For starters, enjoying life promotes a healthy lifestyle. It may also help combat stress, boost your immune system, protect your heart and reduce pain. On the other hand is rest vital for better mental health, increased concentration and memory, a healthier immune system, reduced stress, improved mood and even a better metabolism.



La Famiglia’s tips - If the need is there
Lemon for every occasion: Lemon is a vitamin C bomb that boosts the immune system and is rich in antibacterial substances. If you have a sore throat try sucking on lemon, it will hurt you, but the inflammation will go away very soon!

Ginger, honey and lemon: This is the winning combination in case of flu but also of prevention. These three ingredients strengthen the immune system and are excellent anti-inflammatories.

Sore Throat: Drink warm milk with honey (especially before bedtime) which softens but also a thyme and rosemary tea with lemon

Earaches: Put a cotton ball soaked in three / four drops of warmed olive oil inside the ear. Especially indicated to help calm the suffering and crying of the little ones.

Circulation Problems: Take a foot bath with salt or baking soda, then massage them vigorously with your usual cream or oil. The water must be hot but not boiling (it dries the skin and can affect the appearance of chilblains).

If you hurt yourself: Apply honey covered with a patch. It will have an effect: antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial and healing.

For fatigue: Black currant: This fruit will give you an energy boost! In the form of fruit juice, herbal tea, jam is always good.

Recover strength: Sea salt bath is ideal for resting your mind and recovering your strength.

Great intellectual stimulant: Rosemary is a great intellectual stimulant and helps prevent mental fatigue. Before a day of fun, drink a good infusion of rosemary, leaving a branch in boiling water for a few minutes (not recommended for pregnant women).

To soothe sunburn or burns: Potatoes: Potatoes are great for treating minor skin burns! To relieve discomfort, grate one or more raw potatoes and apply them on the affected areas about 5 times a day.

Sunburn: Add 4-5 kittens of baking soda to your bathroom and soak for about 20 minutes. It will help you reduce sunburn.

Burn: Apply a layer of honey on the burn, leave it to act for a few minutes and then clean everything with cold water.

For Reddened hands: Apply olive oil as a real cream, perhaps in the evening, before going to sleep, gently massaging the most critical points.


Nugget: In 2019, Italy produced 47.5 million hl of wine—that’s over 6 billion bottles. France in second spot, produced 42.1 million hl, The average Italian drinks 37 liters of wine (roughly 49 bottles) per year.


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